it was made in 1721 it reads Sntonius Stradiuarius Cremonenfis Faciebat Auno 1721
then there is a symbol. a circle inside it there a cross and two letter what seem to be a B and an S.
How can i find out it my violin is a real stradiuarius?passions soap opera
Does it say "Made in Czechoslovakia?"
How can i find out it my violin is a real stradiuarius?mr messed up opera theater
If you own it then it probably is not a genuine Stardivarius. Millions of violins have that label inside "1721 Stradivarius". The chances of you owning the real thing is very, very small.
Where did you get the violin ? Can you post a picture of it ?
Take it to a proper violin shop and ask them for an appraisal. Do NOT take it to a music shop. They know nothing about violins.
This is what the genuine labels look like :
And Stradivarius's first name was Antonius, not Sntonius. It is a fake - the label means that it was made in the "style" of Stradivarius, or basically, it is a copy. You'll find most violins are copies. After all, Stardivarius made some of the nicest sounding violins in the world. Why not measure them and then build cheap ones out of crappy material. In my profession (music teacher), we call these ISO's (Instrument Shaped Objects)
I know one person with a real Strad. He uses is for concerts only, and rehearses on a cheaper one. It's insured for well over a million dollars and is locked in a safe.
Many violins have that same label - it is a tribute. If you own a Mickey Mantle model baseball bat - it does mean HE actually owned it, does it?? Before this violin got to you, if had really been a Strad, it would have been snagged already, and sold for well over a million dollars. Nobody is trying to deceive you - we ALL know about the tribute labels. Sorry . .
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