I think there are 3, but I'm not positive.
How many syllables are in the word violin?ballet
vi - o - lin
How many syllables are in the word violin?globe theater opera theater
Yes you are correct, Jessica. There are three syllables in the word violin. vi/ol/in. vi-ol-in
3 vi-o -lin
You are correct .
Yes, there are three
A way my 8th grade english teacher taught us that usually always works is to put your hand under your chin. Not too far down, mind you, just a little bit, so that it is not touching but it will be touched when you talk. Now, say the word 'violin' slowly. Count the number of times your chin hits your hands. If you do it corrctly, then you should count 3 times.
Try practicing on these words:
-purfume (2)
-remote (2)
-telephone (3)
-automobile (4)
-invitation (4)
Good luck mastering this skill! I hope I helped you!
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