Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do I tune my violin?

I just got it today, and I've never played before. It was just supposed to be something I messed around with as a hobby. I don't really want to spend the money for lessons.

How do I tune my violin?tickets

I've played the violin for 6 and a half years. Maybe I can help.

Mostly, you have to get your ear used to what the strings should sound like when you tune them. But if you get a tuner, then you can hear the note and tune to it. The string to the far right is the highest string, E. Put your tuner on a high E, and adjust the knob below the string (that's called the fine-tuner) right or left and pluck the string as you are adjusting until it sounds exactly like your tuner. If the E string is WAY out of tune, you can use the pegs. The peg (the thing that sticks out of the top of the violin near the scrolly-looking thing) that is on the right and bottom is the one you'll use to adjust the E string. This one should be used rarely, only when the string is extremely out of tune. Gently turn it towards you and then slowly and gradually turn it back away from you until it sounds the same as the tuner when you pluck it. Then hold it in that position and push in to the violin with the peg to make sure it stays in that position. Then go to the string to the left of the E, the string called the A string. Do the same to it as the E, except change your tuner to an A and tune the A string to the A on your tuner. Do the same to the next string to the left, the D, and the one to the far left, the G. The G is the lowest, D is a little higher, A is a little higher than the D, and E is the highest. If you need anymore help, my email is I can help you with just about anything. And anything I'm unable to help with, I can ask my amazing violin teacher, who knows everything there is to know about the violin. Have fun!

How do I tune my violin?ballet opera theater

Well, if you have a metronome or a piano, you can match the pitch of each string with the note that it's assigned to. If you're looking at it with the body at the bottom and the pegs at the top, the far left to far right strings are: G - D - A - E. You twist the corresponding peg at the top of the string to lengthen (lower) the string's pitch or shorten (raise) its pitch. Gently pluck the string to hear it's pitch and keep twisting til the string's note matches that of your tuning device.

I hope you have some sort of method books or something, because you will get a lot more out of your violin if you have some guidance or at least some basic books to help you. It's not something you can learn overnight, but with effort you will improve.

Have fun!!
The violin is one of the most difficult instruments for a beginner to make music with: to play without squeaks and scratches and also to play in tune takes a lot of practice and guidance.

So, I recommend at least enough lessons to get a good sound and play in tune because you might very well get frustrated and give up on your own.
at music stores they hav violin tuners that you hook up to your violin or you can do it the "traditional" way and tune it to your piano.

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