Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to select a good violin?

Well, first, you should never pick a violin by how good it looks. You just have to close your eyes and listen to the tone. But good vions have something called "flames" or "tiger stripes." They are just what the sound like. Look on the back, sides, and scroll. There should be stripes on them. I have a violin from Romania and it has a beautiful sound. Also, you will want to look at the type of wood it is made out of. A maple wood bridge is good. You will also want to look at the fingerboard. Most of them are painted black. This indicates that the violin is cheap. My violin is an intermediate violin and it cost about $500. The strings and bow are a big part of it too. In a bow, you will want real horse hair. Not fiberglass. As for the strings, you will have to see what your local music store sells. I hope this helps! Happy playing!

How to select a good violin?movie theatre

pick a brand that has a nice pitch, i have a shen violin, it has a great pitch and it is really pretty. my teacher recommended that brand. they are usually only around 11 hundred dollars, thats how much mine was

How to select a good violin?playhouse opera theater

Your choice depends on what you need the instrument for or more specifically, what your level of playing is. What "good" is, depends on that. Are you a beginner? Don't get a cheap instrument on ebay or at Target. In my expeirence, a good student violin cannot be had for less than $150.

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